Warren Ernst
Manager, Learning & Organizational Development


Unlike most Learning and Organizational Development leaders, when I am approached by leaders and internal stakeholders to "create a training that does...," I almost never respond with "OK," because in my experience, stakeholders and company leaders don't want "training." They want to achieve a business objective and aren't quite sure how to get there, and think maybe "a training that does..." is the solution. And with that approach, it almost never is. A true L&D leader must have the courage to say "No" to be a true asset and valuable business partner to company leadership.

So instead of saying "OK," I'll challenge you, and learn what the business objective really is and how we measure progress, and then brainstorm what behaviors, if performed, can lead to those objectives, and THEN create training programs, policies, or systems (and sometimes all three!) which change behaviors. "Butts in seats" and "training course completions" are not the measure of success; behavior changes leading to business objectives are!

So who am I? 

I'm a results-driven change agent, Training leader, and published author with 20 years' experience in the design, development, and implementation of training and employee development, computer hardware and software solutions, and business improvement initiatives. I possesses strong oral and written communication skills, organizational skills, and analytical skills with a warm and confident classroom presence. I'm an expert in online training development and Learning Management Systems (LMS) with experience in the automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, green energy, consumer electronics, computer, publishing, and customer service fields.

I break the traditional "Training Manager" molds and excel with people, technology, and project management. I wield training and development as my tool set to solve business problems big and small – tell me your end goals or let me share some ideas for goals, and I’ll use my vast range of experiences, skills, and techniques to get us there. To me, training, organized learning, and organizational development are the means to an end, and not the end itself.

I speak fluent "executive," "engineer," "programmer," "mechanic" and Plain English, and can effortlessly translate between them. I'm fascinated by almost all things training and development-related, especially where it intersects with technology and people.

I'm also available for interesting roles and positions in your company as of May, 2024.